Tuesday, May 05, 2009

the night i ALMOST went tee-tee in my pants

Jordan was quite happy when he came home from work today. We decided to celebrate- Webster Groves style. It was intimate. It was delicious. It was perfect. And after dessert I had to tee-tee.

I mean I am telling you it was one of those 4-miles-from-home-but-there-is-no-light-at-the-end-of-the-road pee. Like straight up I am about to throw myself from this car so that in the moments of rolling I can just relieve myself. I talked about it. I cried a little. I dreamed of better days when I didn't have to go so bad. And then Jordan did the most romantic and sweet and loving and selfless thing he could do.

He drove 100 mph+ down 44.

And my heart stopped and I fell in love with my man all over again.

The fake wind (a/c) blew through his hair and this stallion of a guy took control of the situation and did the only thing he could do. He drove fast.

And you know what isn't even the best part but the end of this story? I made it. Mostly.


leslie the young mother said...

this story melts my heart.

Design A-Peele said...

we've all had those horrible moments! they are miserable!

jmathe said...

Suz, Corinne and I agree that this is your best post ever. Congratulations!

jmathe said...

Suz, Corinne and I agree that this is your best post ever - congratulations!