It is a mild day in St. Louis. Yesterday we found "the home", our home. And we made just the offer to make it ours. The seller accepted and today we began making all the needed inspections to get this thing going.
This is where I sit now, on the porch of my soon-to-be home. I hope the seller does not mind my unwashed butt (rather, jeans) on her adorable wicker furniture. But I am exhausted, and I cannot follow both the conversation and the physical walking in and out of rooms any longer. Jordan is smart and is paying full attention- I hope.
This home is lovely. The character is so chic. Outside there are birds chirping.... trees are rustling and there is a garbage truck that has been hopelessly trying to make his way down this alley. Several fire trucks have left the station since I arrived on the porch. They call this area "The Hill". I love that we will be living in an area. It feels so cool.
We have looked at thirtysome homes in the past three days and I am worn out. My mind has reached "full". When we walked into this one I saw us here. I saw us cooking, lounging, laughing with friends, entertaining, gardening (enter Dad), dog-raising... I am so thankful. This is a big event. Our first home!

Hey there, Suz. I'm so happy for you and Jordan and your new home. Glad you found my blog so I could find yours. :-)
hey guys! what a cute home! we are so excited for you! suzanne, i empathize with the whole moving box thing...don't worry, they'll turn up (or now you'll have a good excuse to buy some new shoes!)
Suz and Jordan--I LOVE your new home. It's adorable! What a great house!
still no shoes? The house is beautiful and we are willing to stay there when we visit, so go ahead and get it...the Dirks approve.
Dude...I LOVE the house!! I totally want to come and visit!
suzanne - i would buy this house simply because like the way the rain gutter twists and turns aournd what appears to be a completely un-necessary section of roof. that is all.
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