Thursday, May 24th we were fortunate to have my sister and brother in-law as well as our life-group come over and help us load the U-Haul. Wow was that an experience. Going into that evening I thought we were much more organized and "ready". I soon realized when the music was turned up and tape was sticking to everything it should not be sticking to (Christina was the only able to master that freaking tape thing... the bane of my packing up existence), that I was no where near ready. Crap was everywhere. Thankfully, so were friends. How about that for a cheesy line? But seriously, they were. It was so encouraging to have them there helping, both in the emotional (for me) and physical (for him) sense. So, thank you life-group and thank you family. You guys rock our moving-to-St. Louis world. We really appreciated all your help!!
Here are some pics from the adventure. As the night rolled on you'll notice I grow more and more exhausted.
Rebecca hauling a box... she carried that box around all night.
Yeah Dirks' family. Maggie even helped out. What a trooper.
Boxes upon boxes. Somewhere in this pile are my shoes... I know it.
Lydia took time off from her home renovations to help us out. I'm going to miss you Lydia!
The Cravers moved the weekend before. Their move was HIGHLY more organized!
Christina! I am going to miss you!!! Greysday will not be the same!
Now this is sad times. Our year in Charlotte was in so many ways good- they made it so good. Family is so key and so valuable to both of us. We have enjoyed so much the time we had with my sister Rebecca and her husband Todd. Their kids Jacob and Hannah were a joy to play with and get to know. It was very hard saying goodbye to these two! Thank you for giving us such a great time in Charlotte! We love you!
Friday morning we waived goodbye to the QC and headed West to Nashville to stay with my parents. We had dinner with them and my other sister Jenn, her husband Adam and their daughter Mary Cait. It was great seeing them, and we are grateful that during this transition we were surrounded by our family once again.
Saturday morning was a bit more hectic for Jordan and Jared. They headed out early to the U-Haul place to pick up the tow dolly for the Celica. What was going to be a quick 30 minute trip ended up being a 2 hour frustrating adventure. It gave me some time with my parents. We had a leisure breakfast and walk through my dad's garden creation. His retirement has allowed him to pour into his yard and it was truly amazing to see the fruits of his labor. The flowers are so beautiful!
The U-Haul place finally released the guys and they returned. For whatever reason Mom and I found these pictures both hilarious and fascinating. Odd.
Wait for it... wait for it.
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