Tuesday, August 02, 2011

{it is happy to love}

"It is happy to love," said little Much-Afraid to herself and then she repeated: "It is happy to love." After putting the cottage in order for the night, because she was utterly tired out with all the conflicting emotions of that strange day, she went to bed. Lying there before falling sleep, she sang over and over again to herself another of the lovely songs from the old song book.

O thou whom my soul loveth,
Tell me where thou dost feed,
And where thy flocks at noonday
To rest and browse dost lead.
For why should I
By others be,
And not by thee?

O fairest among women,
Dost thou indeed not know?
Then lead my little flocket
The way that my flocks go;
And be to me,
As I to thee,
Sweet company.
(Cant. 1:7, 8)

Then she fell into a heavy, dreamless sleep.

~ From Hannah Hurnard's Hinds' Feet on High Places

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