Wednesday, February 25, 2009

this is why I call her, the wind beneath my wings

She like literally just posted this. I mean really, just now. Seriously, look at the timestamp. And it was fitting because I've been going through the awkward puberty phase that 20somethings inevitably go through where you realize you can't just throw your hair up in a ponytail and put on the same pair of jeans you wear everyday with the semi-matching hooded sweatshirt you took from your friend on the soccer team (Hi Aubren!!!) because being away from her will be hard but if you just have the hooded sweatshirt it will be less hard . The only thing different between this phase and the pre-teenager phase is this time around I'm not rushing my mother both excited and panicked because of, you know,*it*.

Leslie's post was comforting. Well, comforting and a HUGE reminder. Comforting because I'm not the only one (thank YOU confession.....) and also a reminder (yet again) that I am not-straight-out-of-the-movies-and/or-soaps girly around chateau de chapell. Because I forgot that. Remember, I'm ADD. I'll forget again once I post this and then I'll be all what? when I am doing the nightly routine which does involve brushing the nite-guard thank you very much.

I too wear a dental appliance. My confession. But coupled with my same pair'o'jeans thing I have going on it makes me a tad bit boyish. I mean, how do you sauce up a nite-guard? Or how do you feminize dirty jeans?

Well... by painting your nails. Pink. Bright little-girl pink. And so I did. I'm becoming a bit more feminine. I figure I have to wear the nite-guard and I'm so not not going to wear my jeans, so painting my nails is the only reasonable solution. Score.


HumbuckerChapell said...

Dude, I feel like I just got all Tobias on you Leslie...
"I'll NEVER understand more than you will NEVER know"

leslie the young mother said...

this is awesome. i feel like we have such a bond. our super sexy night mouth appliances are our bond.

leslie the young mother said...

i've worn the same old-maybe-boyish-jeans every day this week. and my black fleece. i may as well skip the shirt and just zip the fleece b/c that's how much i love it.
thank you for being my friend.

JC said...

I'm beside you right now while you're sleeping...mouthgaurd or not, you're the most beautiful woman I know.