Sunday, April 27, 2008

baking and cooking and the enemy keeping these two pastimes from being a part of our family

I discovered my problem- the issue that keeps our family from having hot and fresh meals each evening. Planning... partially. Going to the grocery store... entirely.

I hate that place- I absolutely detest the idea of driving my car to the store. Once I get there I'm great- I enjoy the thought process that takes place while there. I enjoy thinking through meals- main dish down to what kind of bread. I enjoy thinking through my lunches so I don't eat out each day. I just hate the process of getting to that point.

This is a positive development in the goal to having dinners each night. Not planned dinners. Dinners. The first step was purchasing a sweet magnetic pad where you plan each meal for the week. 8 months of having this on the fridge and maybe... maybe one page has been ripped off. Success? Not so much.

A woman's blog I read
inspired me to bake a cake today with a raspberry topping. Lovely. Jordan loves it and I am pleased. My soon-to-be rotten bananas inspired banana bread. I used to make this often. Same recipe my whole family uses. I decided to branch out and discovered this recipe. The batter tasted fabulous so I expect great things from the finished product.

1 moped and 1 scooter later and we are on our way to a 2nd moped. Happy Anniversary to you... and me.

1 comment:

april said...

you guys looked great coming in on those bikes! my roommate asked, who were those cool people that came in on bikes yesterday? :)