I was watering our clematis just after work and the hymn For the Beauty of the Earth (I love cyber hymnal!) just kept playing over and over in my head. I love that hymn. It makes me think of 2 things. First, my dear friend Lydia Pettit Young. She is good people... solid in her faith and just plain fun. I think anyone who knows her would attest that there is never a dull moment with her. Some of my sweetest and more hysterically bizarre moments at Covenant were spent with her. Second, the hymn makes me think of Little Women. I don't know why and I'm positive there is zero connection to the film/book (film before book because I've never read i.e. I don't read). I just picture Meg playing the piano and the family singing along... it makes me smile.
As I moved away from the clematis and my admiration for it's growth and beauty, I began to water the many hostas that now are in the Chapell lawn. My mother does not like hostas. I think that is her only flaw. Seriously. Well, maybe the fact that she is so far away. I can count that against her, right? But, I love hostas and the ones that I watered at the moment were Great Expectations Hostas. I do expect great things to come. Because of two things. First, they say it on the sleeve. Second, my dad planted them and he ain't no fool.
My gosh, today is beautiful. If I wasn't so darn hungry and if I didn't need to prep myself for tonight's Office, I could spend all evening outside. But alas, there is life outside of the outside. Right dad? I didn't think so;)
**October 3rd- Lydia, you are correct! Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't realize it was in the film:)
Suzanne, I love to read your blog! You are so funny and creative... and I love your perspective on things! By the way, as soon as I read the words "for the beauty of the earth," I also thought of Little Women. It always reminds me of that movie! Hope to see you and Jordan soon!
lisa tolson
i think that song IS in the movie. i'm pretty sure the girls sing it... maybe at the wedding...i'm not sure.
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