Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's a wash really...

You know you've reached a new low in your obsession with dogs when you search, longingly, for "dachshund" on etsy.

My heart skipped a beat when I found this, and this and this. I had to stop and remind myself that I don't want to become THAT person.

I may already be there because really, who doesn't love a flying wiener dog? Seriously... name me one person, I dare you.

I could be getting all sentimental because I just found out that I am allergic to dog dander. Let that sink in a moment. I woke up yesterday with a firm understanding that I did not have allergies and went to bed overwhelmed by how many things I am allergic to. Trees, grass, weeds, mold, dust, DOGS. Oh dear. Not cats, but dogs. People, I am allergic to dogs, like in Carowhine Whinerson and Toblerone, the one who sleeps in bed with us.

Apparently I have exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Now take a moment and let that sink in. Maybe all those years of dreading exercising was my subconscious telling me DANGER! AVOID! DANGER! Maybe running in place in the living room to avoid running outside was kind of a good thing. Maybe having a gym membership for a year and only going twice was wise.

So... anyone interested in a whiny doberman and a cuddly dachshund? My husband comes with the dachshund because those two were so made for each other.


Jess Lucht said...

Ok Suzanne, my best friend from college has exercise-induced anaphylaxis too! We used to tease her relentlessly about this because we thought is was completely MADE UP. The joke was on us though when she blacked out and went into anaphylectic shock while running on the treadmill and had to be stabbed in the thigh with an epi-pen. . .

HumbuckerChapell said...

It's always fun and games until someone blacks out. Yikes. So does she avoid all exercise? How does she manage it?

Mama Hutch said...

Whoa! So what exactly does this mean? I read the link about it...does it mean that even if you are allergic to stuff you will only have a bad reaction if you exercise? You guys get to keep your dogs, right?