Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy birthday to the man who revealed to me the beauty of singing in the car.

This is my husband and today is his birthday. Not only is he a fantastic Pop-eye but he is an equally wonderful guitar-playing man. Ladies, this man is considerate, generous, funny, thoughtful and handsome (as seen above). Basically he's the real deal but before you get all whoopee-excited, he is taken. He's mine. Regardless, wish him a fabulous birthday today. You'll be happy you did.

1 comment:

Julianne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORDAN!! Hope the CFA went well. Glad you get a break from studying, for now. And for Suz too. :) Hope yall have a fantastic day celebrating! Suz, it's so sweet to hear you talk about your man. Too cute.