Wednesday, April 09, 2008

bad cookie recipe. not bad to the bone, just bad.

probably the worst cookie recipe... ever.

In my laziness I gazed upon the recipe and decided to go for it. I wish I could say against all instincts, but we all know that when it comes to cooking and me- there are no instincts.

1 pkg yellow cake mix. Yes. We are making cookies, chocolate chip no less, and it calls for 1 pkg. yellow cake mix.
1 cup brown sugar. That's normal.
Dash of salt. Thanks to mom in-law I have the measurement for a dash. We opted for Jordan's palm. Anthropologie goodies are meant to be looked upon, not used.
3/4 cup oil. I have no idea if that is normal or not but for the sake of my post, oil? What the?
Chocolate Chips. Chocolate chips? In chocolate chip cookies?

Regardless, we mixed and ate the dough. No eggs Mom. Take that Jenn. It was super sweet. With my new cookie scoop, thanks to Meg's inspiration, we scooped and waited anxiously... for nothing apparently. I couldn't even scrape them off the sheet. They crumbled and they... were... horrible.

Boo bad recipe. Boo strange person who put this on Boo my inability to know what seems like it will be good.


Mia said...

Hey Suzanne. I never comment on blogs, but since food is my thing of late I thought I might offer some small kindly advice. First, recipes from the internet are notoriously untrustworthy and untested. Don't be their guinea pig. Epicurious is decently reliable, but a lot of them have tricks so read the tips from other cooks. For chocolate chip cookies, I find the recipe on the back of tollhouse chocolate morsels is really quite reliable and good. Better luck next time! XO. Mia

HumbuckerChapell said...

That's so funny you mentioned Tollhouse. We made cookies last night and I was looking for a new one online and Jordan just wanted to do the Tollhouse one... and we did and of course they were lovely.

I always think of Phoebe, Nestle Toulouse.

I enjoyed the steak recipe from eatfeed. We make it quite often...