Sunday, February 24, 2008

freeze your pass off

Literally, that's what it was called.

We traveled to Nashville, or Smashville, this weekend for a soccer tournament that Summer D organized. Good times, and yes, we did freeze our pass off. Funny talk that took place throughout our freeze-fest. "It's for the kids". I think it justified the sub-zero temps, semi-awful refs and random menu offered by the organizers (red beans and rice? what is that about?). But it wasn't for the kids... the money went to fund adult leagues.

Go Orange Crush. Go Team Go. How is Donny still wearing shorts? We may have to take that question to the grave.

The tournament was of course not the real reason to drive 5 hours for less than 48 hours of visit... Mom, Dad, Jenn, Adam and MC live in town and seeing them was... fab. Not too many visits left that I get to see A, J, and MC in Nashville. Of course, I'm selfishly sad... but oh-so happy for them:)

In my attempt to not always write about the kids, but because that's what I do... Every morning I turn on the closet light and see this:

Squeezed between Jordan's legs while he sleeps...

And then once Jordan wakes up we see this:


virginia said...

congrats to the new parents! we are so excited for the new baby! welcome to the 2 dog club...they are so much fun!

the McNamees

april said...

what can the lesser do for my sore throat? :)
glad you had fun this weekend! sorry i couldn't go. but prob better that i didn't.
who dog-sat?