Thursday, November 05, 2009

flour power

I think we are going to need a new bag of flour...

Don't you?

Adding to the list of things to not leave on the floor:
1. Brownie mix
2. Ex-lax
3. Underwear (I know... GROSS. Be thankful that there is no link to remind you of this episode)
4. All-purpose flour

The culprit? Sweet Carowhine Whinerson. Her nose was covered in flour, her paws in the trail.

And because I know you are DYING to know the results of my vinegar rinse... a short story.

Now I'm not saying it is a complete success... but I did have an extremely creepy, late 40-ish, bushy haired man approach me in the dark parking lot at Shop & Save last night to tell me that my hair is so beautiful and shiny.

Thanks, I think?

Security? You there?

1 comment:

Alina said...

I always wondered (and hoped) if security was nearby whenever shopping at Shop 'n Save. The "creep" factor is quite high there.